PREPARING TO MEET THE KING =============================== I was in a class few months ago in which our instructor taught us about one type of soap formulation meant for just bride to be. The intending bride makes use of this soap months to her big day. The soap helps to soften and moisturize the skin. That's one of the few things a bride, I mean a wise one may want to consider before her big day. No bride would appear before her man unkempt, tattered and disorganized. Every bride makes adequate preparation for her big day. It catches her unaware. =============================== "When it was Esther's turn to go to the king (Esther the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had adopted her as his daughter), she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king's eunuch in charge of the harem, had recommended. Esther, just as she was, won the admiration of everyone who saw her. "Esther 2:15 THE MAKING The decree had been made because Queen Vashti misb...