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A whole lot of things must have been conceived  in your mind before indulging in sex. 

That act you carried out was as a result of a lot of mental works that you have carried out in your mind before you finally carried it out. 

Here are things to know before sex can actually happen between two people outside wedlock, rape situations excluded please. 

1. Men generally, are moved by what they see. So, when a guy visits you and the next thing you do is  to expose your cleavages, wear bum shorts, with just the two of you behind closed doors, honestly speaking, that guy would have a whole lot of dirty things going on in his mind. You are inviting him either consciously or unconsciously. 

2. Women generally, are turned on by sweet words spoken to them by men. Yes, we love it when we hear how amazing we are, how pretty we are. When a particular guy showers you with incessant praises, you tend to fall in love with such and this may bring weaken your wall of defense if not checked as soon as possible. It wouldn't take long before you fall for such a guy if you don't stay on guard. 

4.  Most times, when you ask people who fall into sexual immorality, they must have been feeding their minds with impure thoughts rather with the word of God. They must have been visiting some sites they ought not to visit as a child of God. 

5. Indulging in foreplay, romance, smooching, kissing, prolonged hugs among others is like a course titled preparation 101 to sex. Do not indulge in them unless you are ready for sex. Mind you, you are not ready for sex until you are married. 

6. I wouldn't know what you will still be doing in a guy's house around 9 pm behind closed doors? Charging your phone all alone with him? Watching a movie with him? Most people who have sex tend to be tempted to be involved in the act because they pretended flesh and blood do not run in them and so, they allow the devil to make mockery of them. 

Guard your heart with all diligence young man for out of it flows the issues of life. Dear lady, your body is the temple of God, so keep it jealously. 


1. No one is above temptation. Always know this. You carry flesh and blood no matter the degree of your anointing. So, do not trust yourself with anyone. Guard your heart with all diligence. 

2. You see that thing you wouldn't be proud to tell people you did, is a NO go area for you. How would you feel if someone enters the room and finds you fidgeting with your trousers on top of a lady? Especially if people hold you in high esteem. You would be ashamed of yourself right? How about God entering the room and seeing you in the act? 

3. Dress modestly. You don't have to expose your body to look good. Some clothes are perfect for the bedroom and not meant for the public. I hope you get the gists?

4. Be at the right place at the right time. Obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit. When He asks you not visit a place, don't prove  stubborn. Don't tell Him why you need to visit such a place. 

5. Flee when you are faced with the temptation to indulge in sex outside the confinement of marriage. Don't speak in tongues. 

6. Stay on guard at all times. Meditate on the word. Pray. Study the word. Be associated with friends of like minds and passion. 

7. Have you fallen into the act or almost? Please don't hide your sin. Don't run away from God. This is the time God needs you more.  Confess to your mentor. The first step to victory is opening up when you mess up. Don't pretend all is well when something is definitely wrong somewhere. 

8. Know this, you will soon be able to experiment sex at the right time without condemnation with the wife of your youth. So, it pays to wait. Young man, I say wait. 

Finally, the good news is that someone is able to prevent us from falling, and to keep us faultless before His glory with exceeding joy. Jude:24. 

In 2020, be determined to live for God no matter the pressures you might be faced with. How strength is made perfect in your weakness. I see you trumping. 



  1. Thanks so much for this wonderful write up, I pray may God continue to enrich your knowledge.

  2. Amen. Thank you for stopping by to read

  3. Nice one dear
    More anointing n grace

  4. Thanks for this piece. More grace>

  5. Thanks for this great piece. more grace in Jesus name.

  6. Lessons. Thank you ma

    1. Jumoke Salau
      Thanks for visiting.
      Glad you learnt something 😍😍


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