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Okay, before you go on, I am sending a big hug to you if you are a rape victim. I know it's not easy forgetting the ugly incidence but I want to tell you to let go of the past. I am not here to point accusing finger at you for whatever happened in the past. The past is past. Let your new you emerge. Come to love yourself. Forgive yourself. Forgive that person who defiled you. Let God wrap you in His arms. 

Majority of rape incidence happens because of the carelessness on the part of the lady. A lady who's frequenting a guy's house in odd hours may not return the same way she came if she's not careful. We can't also overlook the fact that some guys are monsters. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. They may appear harmless but they are like serpents. May God arrests their hearts.  

One day Dinah, Leah's daughter, went to visit some of the young women who lived in the area.
But when the local prince, Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, saw her, he took her and raped her. Genesis 34:1-2

Dinah, who was supposed to be in her father's house, decided to visit the daughters of the land and this cost her dignity which she had kept in sanity. Shechem took her and defiled her. She passed her boundary. She was careless. 

So, few years ago, there was this guy in our street who was very handsome. Every lady fell for him because he had a way of manipulating ladies via his sweet tongue. 

We got close and boom! He invited  me to his house. It took me long before I decided to visit him in his house. When I got there, the ambience of the room was something that could initiate sex. I didn't care. He had a bed which was the only place I could sit. His look all over me passed the message. My heart was racing. I didn't know what to do. He was smiling sheepishly at me. He held my hand and a call came in which he needed to answer. 

He took permission to be back soon. When he left, I wanted to escape before he came back. I was shocked when I discovered he had locked the door outside. 

What to do next? 

I knelt down in the middle of the room and I called on God to please come to my rescue, that I will never try such again. I realized my foolishness.  I cried on my knees. 

He came back after few hours with anger. I was surprised with the look on his face. He opened the door and asked me to immediately get out. I was overwhelmed and at the same didn't get my balance as I took speed to run out. I was shivering and thanking God for the narrow escape. It was indeed God who came to my rescue. 

Questions to ask myself? 
Why do I have to visit him all alone? 
He didn't even have a good reputation among ladies. Why didn't I learn my lesson? 

Sis, to stay pure in this perverse generation, you must be disciplined. It's not every one you visit. 
To have a good testimony to pass to the up and coming generation, you must be chaste. Let your ways be pure. Any friendship you are into that drains you spiritually is not worth keeping. You don't have to be close friends with that guy who has questionable character among others. 

Know your worth. You are a queen. There are things queens don't do. Queens don't walk half-naked. Queens walk in honour. You are a queen. You can't afford to live carelessly. Queens don't have questionable character. 

As you await that man whom God has preordained for you, continue to live for God. Continue to cherish yourself. Don't give your dignity to dogs. They don't know your worth. Don't throw yourself at men, they won't cherish your worth. You are worth more than rubies. 

Most importantly, you are God's princess. You are beautiful. Let no man deceive you. 



  1. Well said Ma! Ladies should pls know their worth. Pls, don't go visiting guys up and down. Don't get so emotional with someone whom you've just met and know almost nothing about such that you'll now fall prey into his hands. Guys whom ladies have trusted have taken advantage of them, let alone you who just saw a handsome bobo and know nothing about him. Most importantly, let GOD lead you. When you have JESUS, you're wrapped in His loving arms and He protects you from ALL forms of evil or danger -EBUNOLUWA

  2. A good piece ma, may u remain relevant . Even as we play our roles in being careful and decent we should also put this in prayer , nothing is to small to pray about. God will keep us all, Amen.

  3. Warning note. Keeping your distance will keep the monsters away.
    _Yemí Momoh.

    1. Yemi Momoh
      This is big. I got it.
      Keeping your distance will keep the monster away.

      Thanks so much 👏👏👏

  4. OBALEYE CHRIS5 May 2020 at 15:16

    At every point like there's always a solution in our spirit but hope we trust the leading of the spirit enough. She knelt down on the same bed and pray not looking for physical weapon for defense but spiritual warfare that is level of trust in the Person of Holy Spirit. Greater Grace ma.

    1. Obaleye Chris
      Another lesson to learn here.
      Spiritual weapon should be preferred to physical weapon for defense.

      God bless you immensely, sir 👏👏👏👏



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