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MORAL TO THE STORY : The wife of a priest-type needs to be as active helping others as her husband is. This will bring him honour.

A CAUTION : A priest's desire is to please. Your impatience or unthankfulness can destroy his vision for serving others, as well as destroy your health.

"You may marry a man that is priestly in nature. He will be the most steady and easygoing of the three types, not given to extremes. The steady nature of the priest is reflected in his tendency not to make snap decisions or spend his last dime on a new idea;  nor does he try to tell other people what to do. This man is content with the wife of his youth." Debi Pearl

If you marry a priest-natured man,  he won't force you to obey his will, he won't mount pressure on you in achieving some feats. He will love you to go at your pace. You will never be pressurized or pushed. He won't Lord himself over you unlike the king-matured man. You will become an object of envy to others who married the other types of men.

"The down side to the priestly natured man is the irritation his very steadiness produces in an impatient, romantic woman needing a little reckless adventure to spice up her life." Debi Pearl

In other words, the priest natured man takes things steadily. He doesn't rush over an  assignment. In short, it may take him several years to accomplish a feat because he will be going at his pace. This may not go well with an impatient woman who wants everything to fall into their places in a jiffy. He might be too slow for such a woman.

The priest type  of man loves to help people. He is very accommodating. He can go extra miles just to put a smile on people's faces. His home will always be opened for get-togethers, meetings and conferences.  If you marry such a man, you must be ready to welcome people into your home because that's one of the things that makes your husband happy. You must learn how to cook for large gatherings because your home will always be opened to people due to the personality of your man. He just wants to help others. He might been get used by people because he doesn't know how to say no to them. 

The steady priest natured man is content to take a long time in making critical decisions. He tends to be more cautious than the prophet type. An impatient young wife often find it difficult to quietly wait for him to make up his mind
 -Debi Pearl

You should check your heart to see if you are not 
the controlling type because it will affect you alot if you find yourself marrying a priest-natured man. Read about women who are submissive to their husbands, who have a quiet and a gentle spirit.

You will not bring to marriage all the skills necessary to make it into a fairytale come true. You must be humble enough to bend and merge into the new identity. When you come to understand men as God created them to be, you will not waste your marriage trying to change your new husband into what you think he should be. The key is to know your man. In what image had God created him? You as his help meet, will need to learn to conform to your man. 
 -Debi Pearl 

If you are married to a priest natured man, know that he will always want to please you. This will happen if you are patient with him and if you have a gentle spirit. If you are the controlling and impatient type, he may be shut down. Don't try to lead him on. You are his helper. You need wisdom in dealing and presenting matters to him. Do not be domineering or bossy.

A kingly man tells you what to do and how to serve him, and a prophet wants you to do what he is doing. But if you marry a Priestly man, he will want you to walk beside him, yet grow in your own right before God and man. 
 -Debi Pearl 

A priestly man loves his woman to be resourceful, productive,  diligent and creative. He does not want his wife to sit all day without doing anything. In other words, he doesn't want you to be lazy. Your husband will see it as a great achievement when you are applauded outside for your accomplishments. He feels honoured and grateful he has you in his life.


  • "Being a really good help meet requires, first, a heart to do God's will and second, a basic understanding of God's requirements as revealed in his word, and thirdly wisdom. Without wisdom, you will falter  in confusion and doubt." Debi Pearl

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom;  and with all thy getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

  • You need to work on yourself now if you are the domineering type. It won't be good for you as a wife of a priest-natured man. Tell God to work on your heart. Being bossy isn't a good attribute for you as a help meet that God has created you to be 

  • Get busy with your life now. Learn whatever thing you need to learn now. Be creative. Do not be lazy. Work with your hands. Find something doing. Be productive. No man wants to marry a liability. 

  • Begin to learn how to accommodate people into your home. Learn how to cook for people because you don't know the kind of man you will marry. Be ready to help others. Lend helping hands to those in needs. 

  • If you marry the priest natured man, do not rush him into doing things. Ask for wisdom to handle matters as touching him. If you are the impatient type, you won't get the best of him because he does his things steadily. 

  • That you married a priest type of man doesn't make you to start living carelessly because he wants you to grow at your pace. Be up and doing. Grow. Embrace growth. Don't be stagnant.Strsch yourself.  He won't be happy seeing you stagnant even if he won't mention it. God won't be happy either. 

I pray for you, you won't miss your man. You will be patient enough for him. You will wait till God reveals you to him. And I pray for a new heart, a heart that is not controlling, a heart that loves God, a gentle and a quiet Spirit, a heart that is always ready to learn, a patient heart, may God give to you. 

What other lessons did you learn? 
Please feel free to share them in the comment section and let others be blessed. 

Thank you. 

Read the chapter 3 from here:


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