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Ruth, the forsaken. Ruth, the rejected. Ruth, the abandoned. Ruth, an object of mockery. Ruth, the poor woman. Ruth the Moabitess. Ruth the justified. Ruth, the one who was in the initial plan of God for redemption right from the beginning. Ruth, whose background didn't lay her back to the ground. Ruth, a woman who does things with a correct and a sincere heart. Ruth, a faithful disciple of Naomi.  Ruth, the new legal wife of Boaz. Ruth the great grandma of King David. Ruth, one of the five women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. Ruth the one who obtained mercy. Ruth the highly favoured. Ruth, a woman whose life is worthy of emulation. I could go on and on. 

The deed had been done. Naomi lost her two sons and her husband in a strange land. There was nothing left to still be doing in such a land. She had to go back to her native land, Bethlehem: The house of bread. Ruth and Oprah wanted to go with her but with a little persuasion, Oprah went back. It is true Ruth lost her husband too but she still had her family left. She still had her people left. She still had their gods left so she could have decided to stay back. Ruth was bent on following Naomi. There was no promise of an husband if she followed her. Of course Naomi explained this right from the beginning. So, Ruth could be seen as someone pledging her allegiance to Naomi. Whatever happens, she would stay with her. I wouldn't know the kind of love that existed between them that would make her leave all to follow her ex mother-in-law. 

"Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat--I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how." Luke 9:23

You remember that rich young man whom Jesus told to sell everything he had so he could follow him? You know he felt bad when he heard the statement. He didn't understand luke 9:23

Ruth had other options but she saw herself as one who didn't have any other option than to follow Naomi. She knew she had nothing left to go to. She couldn't  go back to her gods. She had tasted of their God. She knew her gods were dead. She followed Naomi. 

Do not think it was immediately Ruth got to Bethlehem that Naomi made a promise she would get a husband for her. Not so, her patience was tried. She didn't mention it for once to Naomi that she needed to marry. She was sincere in following her. She wasn't after what Naomi would give her. When Naomi saw her heart and her kindness, she for the first time said she needed to get her settled down. 

When God orders the step of a man, you will discover things will naturally fall into their places because such a man is aligned. Such man understands times and seasons. Ruth was rightly positioned. She was rightly positioned by God so boaz could notice her. Remember I said she was doing all she was doing with a sincere heart. She didn't go there to do "notice me". She was just doing her own thing. But remember if she had remained in the house not doing anything, she would have remained there forever because boaz wouldn't have seen her let alone noticed her. When Boaz was asking who she was, his servants attested to the fact that Ruth was a good woman. See recommendation.  She took a step out. Dear Queen, get out of your comfort zone. Be stretched. Volunteer. Serve. Stop hiding. Help others. But do all with a sincere heart. God who sees the heart. He's a faithful rewarded. He shall gibye you the best. Be rightly positioned so that the right may find you at the right time. You won't be the one to look for him when you are rightly positioned. He that FINDS a wife has found a good thing and obtaineth favour from the Lord. Do not go into hiding. Be discoverable. Get your hands on the spindle.  She didn't go the field go the field to watch or observe. She went there to glean. 

Ruth was not the type who will wake up in the morning lazying around. She was industrious. She was thoroughly furnished in every good work. She was stretched beyond her limit. She built character. She got busy with her life. 
Ruth could have remained in her mother in-law house forever if she had not made herself available. Naomi saw a ready heart, a heart of obedience in her, so she saw the need to get her the best. 

Actually, Ruth didn't know God was preparing her for something big. She just know she had come to the right place. She didn't know she was included in the initial plan of God right from the beginning. She didn't know. Who else could have thought something good would come out of a  Moabitess;the enemies of the Israelites? God who knows the end right from the beginning SEARCHED her out. Jeremiah 1:5

Oprah could have been in her shoe too but she couldn't leave all. She went back to her gods. That was the last place she was mentioned in the Bible. 

The life of Ruth is a journey of faith. 

Ruth could have decided to go back and enjoy their whoredom. She could have gone back to bow down to their gods. Now, you will call that enjoyment. Like when you have the chance to go and enjoy yourself with your old boyfriends you bade goodbye sometime ago. It's more like enjoyment because you will have all the fun but you will remain empty after that time. Ruth knew she wouldn't enjoy that life for long. Even though she had her root there, she knew it wasn't the right way to live. 

What could have happened to Ruth that made her take the decision to follow her mother in law? She only took a step of faith. Hebrews 11:6

Before you can become a medium for transgenerational blessing, your heart will be tested. Your obedience will be tested. 

We must be ready to let go before God can commit treasures into our hands. 

The reason why God cannot commit a nation into your hands is because you are not faithful with the Little, your locality.

It becomes seemingly difficult for God to commit Himself to us when we are full of ourselves. We must be ready to let go. 

Your background means nothing to God. 

Leave your moab. Leave them behind, there are great and precious promises awaiting you. Leaving behind your moabites may means quiting that relationship that is ungodly. It may means separating yourself from those friends . It may means quiting masturbation and pornography. You were made for more. You are not made for a life full of regrets. You were made for so much more. You are a blessing. You are the favoured one. 

Ruth left all to cleave to Naomi who had nothing.  

We could say in other words that she was married to Naomi. 
She followed through discipleship process. She was ready to leave all. She was ready to learn. She was damn ready. 

Now, some of us just leave without cleaving. We leave our past not minding the cleaving path.  We choose to  stay on our own, not ready for uniting with Christ. We don't know there's power in cleaving. 

Could it be the reason why you are so active in your fellowship is because you are desperately searching? 
Could it be that the reason why you came to Jesus initially was just for your own selfish reason? 
Could it be that the reason why you are so diligent in that place is to get noticed by someone? 

Your background is nothing to God. Ruth was from the moabites. They are hated by the Israelites. They are into immorality. Ruth's decision to leave all and follow Naomi was a response to the salvation's call. It was a beginning of a turning point for her.

The story of Ruth and Naomi can be seen as the story of God and man. When we choose to stay to with God no matter what happens, He makes a room for us. Because Ruth stayed with Naomi, she sought a place for her. 

Ruth could have decided to go the other way round, but she chose to stay. 

Ruth did not go to that field to go and find husband. She had a good heart. She wanted to seek a means for living. The reason why you are active in church should not be to get a husband. God saw Ruth's heart. 

Salmon was the father of Boaz (his mother was Rahab). Boaz was the father of Obed (his mother was Ruth). Obed was the father of Jesse. Matthew 1:5 Ruth was mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. God could have gone through an Israelite but He decided to show forth his glory via a Moabitess.

The turning point in the marital destiny of Ruth was when she met boaz. God turned her ashes into beauty. She's in Bethlehem never to go back to Moab. Thank you Boaz for being a good example to all men. Thank you for not looking at Ruth from the standpoint of what she had done in the past. Boaz, thank you for loving Ruth despite where she's coming from. Thank you Boaz for redefining the life of Ruth. Because you came into Ruth's life, her ashes were turned into beauty. You even made Naomi smile again. Boaz, thank you for being a succour to Ruth. Boaz, thank you for defending Ruth. Because of you, Ruth forgot her past. Jesus, thank you for loving us despite our flaws. Thank you for coming for us at the right time. Thank you Jesus for you do not see as man sees. 

He lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud. He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn't slip. Psalms 40:2

Come to Jesus today and see what He will make out of your life. 

DEAR QUEEN, you can't be held down by your past. You can't continue to live this way. You were made for more. Shake off the past. Get on the Lord's side. He has greater things in store for you.

In this conference, open up your heart. 
I hear you were MADE FOR MORE 
We shall not be few. 

I welcome you powerfully. 



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