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I was in a class few months ago in which our instructor taught us about one type of soap formulation meant for just bride to be. The intending bride makes use of this soap months to her big day. The soap helps to soften and moisturize the skin. That's one of the few things a bride, I mean a wise one may want to consider before her big day. 

No bride would appear before her man unkempt, tattered and disorganized. Every bride makes adequate preparation for her big day. It catches her unaware. 


"When it was Esther's turn to go to the king (Esther the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had adopted her as his daughter), she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king's eunuch in charge of the harem, had recommended. Esther, just as she was, won the admiration of everyone who saw her. "Esther 2:15


The decree had been made because Queen Vashti misbehaved. A better replacement must be sort for. Esther was lucky to have found herself amidst the other young ladies competing to gain the attention of King Ahasuerus. 

This is the first thing to note in ESTHER. She had a teachable heart. While other ladies were busy placing demands, Esther was busy receiving instructions from Hegai. Listen to me, it wasn't only favour that spoke for Esther. Her heart was tried.

Who is HEGAI? 

He was the king's chamberlain. In other words, by the virtue of the sensitive position he holds in the kingdom, he knew what king Ahasuerus wanted in a bride. So, when he saw the manner of lady Esther was, he willingly showed her the way. 


In this kingdom of ours, We can't know God without the help of the Holy Spirit. He knows what God wants. He is acquainted with him and so, he can show us what to do. Quality fellowship with him, listening to him and  giving attention to his instructions will make a difference. It will make our journey smoother and not burdensome. It was easier for Esther. She didn't run ahead of Hegai. She knew she couldn't win the competition on her own.

"The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way." Psalms 25:9

Preparation time is not a time to play 



I call those twelve months the period of waiting. Their loyalty and patience was tested. Some of those ladies might have other options outside. If this doesn't work, the other one will work. Esther had Unswerving devotion. She was not trying to play games. She was in. She was determined to stay no matter what.  

You can't serve God and Mammon. You can't be here and there. You are either with God or you are not. You must be wholeheartedly devoted to Him. 

Who knows what they had been feeding themselves with before they were brought into the room? Why were they not just brought to the King just as they were? Why did they have to be worked on? They needed to be conformed to the taste of the king. The way they behave in that kingdom is much different from what they have been exposed to, so they needed to be taught the kingdom culture. 

Our conformity isn't in this world. We have been bought with the precious blood of the lamb. We can't be like everyone. We can't do what everyone is doing. We must undergo prunings. 

As the Holy Spirit gives us instructions, we must follow to the latter. He alone knows the heart to the king of kings. When we come out after the pruning, we will become who he wants us to. We will be made ready just for Him.

No Christian can have a meaningful relationship with God the father without the help of the Holy Spirit.



Esther was adorned with meekness, gentleness, graciousness and good works She wasn't adorned with merely superficial clothings. She obtained favour. God searches the heart. He judges our intentions and motives. 

She was not pretending. We can't get God's heart by being hypocrites. God sees our heart. He knows our motives and intentions. He is much aware of what we can do if he entrusts that Nation into our hands. We must not be selfish. 



In a normal scenario, the bridegroom will be the one to wait for the bride. His expectation will be so high as he awaits her appearing. 

Jesus had already done that in his first coming. He waited for us. For his second coming, we must be prepared. It's our business to expect him. Shall we then be unprepared to meet our King? 

Some of us have been so relaxed with the affairs of this world. Some are not in anyway prepared. 

The king of kings in his glorious coming will come unannounced. But for those who are preparing night and day just to meet him will not be caught unaware. 

If we can also prepare for the second of our King as we prepare for our wedding here, how beautiful will it be? ===============================

Matthew 25:2 showed us the two types of brides- to- be we may have: The foolish and the wise ones. The foolish ones in this realm will never get their gown and other accessories ready before their big day. They won't start preparing not until the late hour. Aside the pressures that will be mounted on them, they can't make the groom proud because they were not prepared. The wise ones are the prepared ones. 

The Holy Spirit began to make me see what happened to the five foolish virgins. They were overwhelmed with the coming of the bridegroom that they forgot to trim their lamps. Little did they know their lamps must keep burning so that they may not groove in darkness. They were not adequately prepared. Their closets are decayed. They do not have a meaningful relationship with God. 

NOW is the time to do whatever you want to do. 

Be adequately prepared.

What do you need to put in place? 

Set your house in order. 

You don't want to appear before the king of kings like a victim. 



As we prepare for our king, we must occupy till he comes. Don't sit down doing nothing. Preach the gospel. Help the poor. Comfort the brokenhearted. Heal the sick. He already gave us assignments to do while we wait for him. 

We won't meet him as a victim. We will prepare to dine with him as a victor. Why will you stop doing what you are doing altogether because you heard Jesus is coming soon? Get up and work more. Let Jesus be proud of you. 

We shall reign with him. We shall sit by his side. To our reign, there shall be no end. ===============================

I welcome you powerfully to this convergence. 

In this conference, open up your heart. Be receptive. Have a teachable heart. Above all, be prayerful. Incense have been raised to God for this meeting. 

Every disobedience will be judged. 

You shall see as God sees. 

Submit to God. 

Come just as you are, the lord is seated as a purifier in the refinery. He will refine you. 






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