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So you see, before we start envying someone because of the height they have attained, please mellow. 

You do not understand what they have been through. 
You do not know how they have arrived at that point.
You do not know how they have sacrificed their ALL on the altar of sacrifice. 

Till then, let's go back to God and pray that He helps us to be yielded to Him completely.

I got teary at some points watching the movie. This is the movie I found many lessons to learn. I know I am not going to remain the same after this time. I sure know you won't remain the same too. If you haven't watched the movie, please do. 


1.No man loves to be identified with a failure. Everyone loves to be identified with successful men. 
This was the case when Abayomi was asked to act the role of Goliath and he declined. 

2. Watch out when you no longer love to dwell in the secret place, when you now replace your Bible with books and when you gradually forsake the gathering of the brethren. It's a slow fade. 
Bro Mike was gradually missing it but thank God He brought him back through his injury trial. 

3. Never you follow a man who lacks direction because your life is at stake. 
The reason where there is sister Gloria today is because Bro Mike responded to the call of God over his life. He was sure God was the one leading him. 

4. In choosing your spouse, material things shouldn't be the most important on your list. Check for God's leading. Check if the person has vision. Check if you can align with his vision. Check if you can both journey together. Even if he has just a pair of trousers but has vision, please do not hesitate to follow him because there is future for you both. 
That was the case of Sister Gloria. She saw the future of Bro Mike

5. Do you want the generation that comes after you to find direction in the path you have trod? Do you like to finish strong? You must be a man of character. Do not run after everything in skirt. Be a man of integrity. 
Bro Mike didn't take advantage of those ladies in his fellowship. He was focused. 

6. The reason for your promotion in that company is for the propagation of the gospel by all means. How well are you repreenting God in that organization? Will you be tagged an unprofitable servant?
That man who got that job in the unprofitable servant stage drama misused the opportunity. He didn't share the gospel with his boss even when the Holy Spirit instructed him. 

7. Do not start that thing because others are doing it. Rather start it because you can hear from God. Start it not because of self gratification, but for the glory of God. 
Bro Mike didn't start acting movies on the screen to promote himself. He did it to glorify God and to project His fame. God in turn announced him. 

8. The arm of flesh will fail you. Woe is unto a man who puts his trust in a man. Trust in Lord with all your heart. 
Bro Mike thought his sister was going to launch his magazine with enough money. So, they welcomed her in a grand style. It was disappointing that the woman had to collect money from Bro Mike to even launch the magazine. 

9. Marry right so that the ministry you have do not end after marriage. Prayerfully choose. 
The day Sis Gloria said yes was the say Bro Mike believed his ministry; Mount Zion had started. He still continue to do what he was doing after marrying her. 
We have seen some cases of men or women who were burning for God, but got cold after marriage. I even read of a God's general whose wife hid his letters of invitations to programs away from him. 

10. In every successful ministry, check the team. They must have been united. Unity in purpose is a prerequisite for every man in choosing his team members. If they are not aligned, there will be confusion. 
Bro Mike's team stood by him. 

11. It's from the closet to the stage. No man appears just on the stage without any preparation. Poor preparation produces poor performance. 
Bro Mike understood this, so they never joked with prayers. For some, they will think they are just entertaining, but he saw drama as his life. He saw it as a ministry. So, he prayed about everything. Commit that article into God's  hands. Commit that business into His hands. See it as a life. Pray. Pray. Cultivate the art of prayer. 

12.  Even if you do not know the way, be sure you are following one (God) who knows the way. You can be sure you won't miss the road. He knows the future. He knows your name. Even when you are uncertain about the end, just obey by following one step at a time. 
That was the case of Bro Mike. He was uncertain of the future but he was certain of the one leading Him. 

13. You render your prayers incapacitated when you gossip about the same people you claim you are praying for. Speak ill of no man. Do not pull your fellow human being down with your tongue. 
Those ladies at the fellowship claimed they wanted to pray for Bro Mike but they were busy butchering him. 

14. As a result of Bro Mike's obedience, the whole world became his consistency. If he had continued with his teaching job, we wouldn't have heard about Mount Zion today. But one thing I have always known is that God will never lack men. What's God asking you to do? What's the excuse you are still giving?  

15. Be sure God wants you in that profession. Be sure He wants you in that school. Be sure He's the one asking you to relocate. Be sure He's the one asking you to resign, So that you don't miss His plans over your life.  Do not go for the better option, His good is better than what you term best. 
Bro Mike nearly missed it in the area of choosing his school. He could have done something else. He might not even meet Sis Gloria. God might even choose someone else to replace him, but he heard God earlier. 

16. Your spouse's presence in your ministry speaks volumes. It gives you strength. You just know you are not alone even when others do not support your vision. Your wife should be your Cheerleader. Your man should be your number one fan. 
When Bro Mike was disturbed if his team wouldn't show up, Sis Gloria reassured him she would always be there for him. God will always be there for him. What a soothing relief? This gave him confidence to step out. 

17. Sometimes, God uses trials to bring us back to Himself and to bring us into absolute dependence  on Him. 
We saw how Bro Mike had fire accident. This opened his eyes to where he failed and to make him see his insufficiency. He rededicated himself back to God after the incident.

18. Even if what you are doing does not make sense to any man, so far you are sure you are treading the right path, please continue. Don't stop because you are disapproved of men. 
Even though people didn't support Bro Mike at the beginning, he didn't stop what he was doing. He was sure of what he was doing. 

19. There is power in your tongue. Call those things that are not as though they were. Say it to yourself where you want to find yourself in few years to come. You are who you say you are. 
Bro Mike jokingly told his sister he would be seen on TV one day, he was even doubting himself but his sister told him "All things are possible". 

20. Above all: whosoever you may be? No matter how far you might have strayed? whatever you might have done? God knows you. He knows your name. He knew you before you were conceived. Your birth isn't by accident even if it wasn't planned by your parents. God is right here waiting for you. He's running towards you. Embrace Him. Embrace LIFE. He will give meaning to your life. He will add life to your days. Join the TRAIN. 



  1. Nice one, saw it on Sunday too.

  2. Abejoye was edifying, now The Train!
    Thank God for using Bro Mike as one of His agents in bringing the souls of men to Himself.
    Thank you for sharing the lessons learnt with us. I've learnt my lessons, too. God bless you ma'am.
    Let's join the TRAIN.

    Oluyinka Omotoso

    1. Oluyinka Omotosho
      Glad you were blessed watching it too.
      The movie is indeed a blessing.
      Many thanks Daddy Mike Abayomi Bamiloye for yielding to God .

  3. Odunayo Timothy Ore4 May 2020 at 22:53

    THE TRAIN is an accurate communication of certain kingdom principles designed by the Father for our walk with Him.

    This review has brought many of the key lessons to light. Thank you for sharing with us ma. Thank you for standing...

  4. The train, is really a movie with lots of eye opening realities shown.
    Thanks for the review ma'am, you did a perfect work. I also learnt that one should always go to God for revelation rather than making reviews born outside of revelations.

  5. Love this!!! A great lessons learnt. God bless dad Mike Bamiloye and his family. God will also continue to use this dear writer for His glory

  6. Great Reviews.

  7. Wow! With this, anyone who has not watched would find enthusiasm and so much agitation to do so. More grace to you dear. I was just thinking, if Daddy Mike should see this your write up on the movie, he would be so glad. God lift you high too.

    Your love,
    Tosin AYODELE.


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