Gideon was born as result of the cry of the Israelites that went to God against the midianties. His birth was an answer to their prayers even if he didn't look like it at his birth. But he kept on showing up.
Esther was born at such a time when one wicked Haman wanted to get rid of the Jews. She wasn't just in the palace to enjoy the moment. She understood her purpose and assignment. She wasn't carried away by the splendour of the King's palace. She was not carried away by her position.
Esther understood why she found herself in the palace at that time. She showed up at the right time.
Young man, maybe the reason why you existed in this generation is to show up in your family's affair. It's not just for you to occupy space.
Your lady, perhaps you were born for such a time as this when godly ladies are scarcely found, where immorality is celebrated in every walks of life.
You are not here to be a slay queen. You are not just here. You are here for an assignment.
Since the beginning of this lockdown, have you been netflixing and chilling?
Have you only been eating?
Have you been chatting endlessly?
Have you taken this time as a period to only enjoy yourself without thinking of your assignment at this time?
After this time, some folks will rise up to take their places in all walks of life. Others won't be relevant again in their field.
During this period, you will know if actually it's inadequate time or lack of hunger that has been keeping you from enjoying the fullness of God.
Show up in your family.
Show up in the media.
Take where you are for Christ.
Esther redefined Royalty.
Gideon got rid of Baal's images and stood for God.
The land of Israel had rest for 40 years because Gideon showed up.
May your generation not be at loss because of you.
May the generation that will after you not be unfortunate because of the decisions you are taking now.
I urge you to be wise in the decisions you take at this time for it will speak even many more years to come.
Keep showing up.
Most importantly, show up in your season adequately prepared. None of those men showed up suddenly. They understood process.
"For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14
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