"Friendship is not by force but by choice". Reverend Kola Emiola
In 2020, if you really want to run fast, crush your goals and dreams, there are certain people you should avoid. It is indeed true that friendship is not by force but by choice. Below are the set of people you should carefully avoid in 2020:
1. Those who derive pleasures in your falling:
This year, I have seen enough reason why I shouldn't open up to some people anymore. This is because I saw how they gloried in other people's fall. So, it happened that a brother opened up to someone and the next thing is to see that person broadcasting it with joy. I was saddened by this act. Hey friend, in 2020, anyone who will not care to see you rise, anyone who derives pleasure in your falling, anyone who always wish you bad luck is not worth being your friend. Start disconnecting from them, even from now.
Jesus Christ never condemned that adulterous woman that he met by the well in John chapter 4. This is the kind of heart we must possess.
2. Those who do not want you to rise above them or even want you to rise up to their level:
They like it when you are beggarly. They hate it when you tell them you are planning to take some risk. They hate to see you make progress around them. They want you to remain at a level. They keep encouraging never to step up. They keep telling you how you wouldn't amount to anything significant.
3.Vision killers:
I have shared this before. I shared my vision with someone sometime ago, and that person discouraged me, told me why that vision wouldn't come to pass. Thank God, I took the step of faith, it's a reality today.
Friend, any man who discourages you from your vision is not worth staying with in 2020. That man who always give you 101 reasons why you shouldn't come out of your shell is not worth being called a friend.
4. Those who always make you feel miserable whenever you are around them:
When you are with them, they make you look down on yourself, make you feel unworthy and miserable. That one is not a friend. They are not the kinds of association to keep in 2020. You have to be deliberate about your decision of whom you call a friend
5. Those who have no drive for spiritual things:
When you notify them of a program, they are dispirited, but they come alive when there is a party to attend somewhere. When you raise the suggestion of studying bible together, they frown at it, they call you fanatics but they could persuade you to watch seasonal movies with them for long hours. These kinds of people are to be kept in their space in 2020. You wouldn't grow with them.
6. Those who have no vision:
When you sit with them for 2 hours, you do not see anything to gain. They have no plans. They have no purpose. They have no vision. You can tell they have no where to go even in the next 5 years. They live recklessly, they have no budget for spending, they spend foolishly, please screen them out from your friend's list in 2020.
7. Those whose friendship are parasitic in nature:
This is one of the ways I scan my friends. Anytime I discover that when I spend time with someone, instead of me to get more interested in the things of God, I feel disconnected after each conversation with them. It isn't long before I discard them. Any friendship you are into that saps you of spiritual strength is not worth keeping in 2020. Friendship should be mutual, and not parasitic.
You must be intentional in 2020. You don't call everyone your friend. You must take your time and prayerfully choose those people who you want to journey with in 2020. Friendship is not by force, but by choice.
Getting set for 2020.
Setting the pace, blazing the trail.
This is really helpful and full if insight. 2020 gonna be a prosperous year only if it's rightly spent.
ReplyDeleteGlad you found this helpful.
ReplyDeleteYeah, 2020 is a prosperous year!
This is real good.I believe this will be a guide to many to connect themselves with right minded people. He who walks with the wise shall be wise. God bless you gracious woman.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking your time to read. The saying is true. Amen and amen.
ReplyDeleteThis is very insightful, keep the fire burning sis. The lord is ur strength