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I know a blogger who shuts down her blog for sometime in a year just to go and hear from God again, get new instructions and receive strength for the journey ahead. When she comes up with a new story, people are left amazed at the source of the inspiration behind her stories  because they seem too loaded for an ordinary man to fathom.  
Retreat is not something we should take with levity hands. It's a time set aside to seek God and hear Him for the next phase of our lives. It's a time to review our goals and see if we are making progress. It's a time set apart to be energised for the journey ahead. 
You could consider getting these things amidst others 
1. A journal and a functional pen
2. Bible 
3. Good music. 
4. Audio messages 
5. Beverages if you are embarking on a marathon fast alongside the retreat. 
And finally, 
6. Your whole being. Yeah, be there Spirit, Soul and Body. 

To avoid distractions, get away from people and enjoy the moments all alone. If you can't stay in your home, you can stay in a hotel that is affordable.  It's a time of retreat. Retreat from activities. Retreat from people. Retreat from endless chats. Retreat alone with God. 
List all the things God had done for you in the previous year and appreciate Him for each. Don't be an ungrateful child. When some people say they want to have retreat, they only come there with their loads of requests. They are not thankful to God for anything. They feel God is indebted to them. This shouldn't be so. Give thanks to the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits says Psalms 103:1
With an humble heart, list where you have failed God. Tell Him those things He asked you to do wish you delayed in doing or even failed to do at all.  Be open minded. Do not hide anything from Him. Ask for mercy so that you are not cut off from His agenda. 
Pray all manners of prayers. Supplications, Thanksgiving, request, intercessions etc. Be connected. 
Get your pen and journal and begin to pen down instructions for the next season. Don't be rigid. Be sensitive enough to get the instructions accurately. Get set for a heavy task ahead. God is in need of men. God will definitely give you words. 
Retreat time is not the period for you to begin to remember the people you haven't called in ages. It's a time alone with God. Jesus Christ understood this, He would always withdraw from His disciples for a time alone with God. He didn't joke with those times because they were precious to Him. 
During your retreat, deny yourself of your phone as much as possible. Deny yourself of too much sleep. Eat lightly if you don't want to fast. Just tell me why you wouldn't want to set apart that time for fasting too? As much as possible, withdraw from activities. You can always get back to them after that awesome time. It's time to enjoy and not to endure. 

Trust me, you wouldn't be praying all through. You might even get tired, play good music and enjoy the moment. You will be surprised at how you will bubble with strength after this.
You would be thinking what's the benefit of a personal retreat? It makes you see where you are and what lies ahead of you. It sets you back on track if you are at the verge of missing it. It opens you up to the mind of God. It supplies strength to you because you are waiting on God. Isaiah 40:31. You come out refreshed and energized for the journey ahead. 
Do not be discouraged. It may not be easy but it's worth it. Papa Adeboye embarks on 40 days of marathon fast before ministering for Holy Ghost congress. During those periods, he cancels his itinerary. He doesn't come out to speak everyone. You now wonder why he comes out and he speaks gently and miracles begins to happen? He understands the power of the secret place. That place of alone with God. 
Do you want to matter in 2020?
Do you want to receive strength for the journey ahead? 
Do you want to be better than the previous years? 
Do you want to stay on course despite the storms?
Please do not joke with retreat. Stay with God and let Him brood on you. Let Him release you Himself as an arrow. Do not send yourself. Wait on Him for the next phase of your life. It's time for intentional living. 
As you embark on yours, I receive strength for you.



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