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2020 IN VIEW

2020 IN VIEW

"As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information." Benjamin Disraeli

A mentor spent more than an hour with me on phone giving me instructions on how to live my 2020 , I was  struck by one of the instructions he gave me. "Get books in that area you wish to develop in the forthcoming year. If you were constrained by your financies, get books that can help you in that area ." I already have four major areas of my life I want to address in the forthcoming year. 

Write your visions down. Have a set goal. There is nothing like I have the goals on my head. When you have your visions in black and white, there is something it does for you, it keeps you on track so that you don't run another man's vision. It makes you accountable. Write the visions down that you may run with it. 

Get books to groom you on relationships, spirituality, career wise and in all walks of life. Readers are leaders. No man soars above the knowledge he has acquired.  Do you struggle to write? Get books that can help you. Attend workshops that can help you tremendously. 

Have a plan for your life. You wouldn't be surprised if you are at the beck and call of someone who has nothing meaningful to do because you don't have plans for your life. Don't wake up each day musing you don't know what to do. Be organized. 

As much as possible, eat healthy. Relax. Exercise. Take good care of your body. Your body houses your Spirit, it is imperative that you look over it appropriately. Have a good bath. 

Make your mind productive. Don't stay idle watching movies round the clock, you would be shortsighted. Read widely. Be versatile. Information is key.  

In every sense, get values. Do I need to tell you about networking? Carve your own niche. Your data subscriptions are not just for endless chats and posting different pictures. The world has evolved from this. I will be bewildered if you say all you ever use your data subscriptions on are for downloading of movies that are not even educative. There are a lot of meaningful things you can learn online. Get value.

Break limitations. Connect with great minds online. One of the amazing things that happened to me this year was the people I connected with. I wouldn't be able to explain in a page what I learnt this year via the people I connected with. I can say 2019 was in all sense greater than 2018. I am rest assured that 2020 will be an amazing year. 

You can as well add whatever point you wish to add in 2020.

Finally and most importantly, Get set for a relationship with God. The best a man can ever be outside of Christ is to become worthless. Be determined to seek the Lord diligently. Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you. Proverbs 37:5

P. S. Have a personal retreat before this year ends. Get away from distractions. Sit and evaluate your goals. Were you able to accomplish them in 2019? What were the obstructions you faced? Brace up. Examine yourself. Set new goals. Set targets. Listen carefully to instructions from God for the new year. Write them down. This is a very crucial time that should be maximized appropriately. You will end well. Get set for a glorious 2020.




  1. Keep the good work moving ma
    God bless you.

  2. AkinDan,thanks so much. Glad you stopped by to read.

  3. Good job, it really help a lot. More an more wisdom by God's grace.

  4. Thanks for sharing ma. This is a push in the right direction. God bless you

  5. Thank you so much Ore...May Almighty increase you for greater Words...I was blessed..Thanks for allowing God..luv u dear.

  6. Akerele Mercy,glad you got value ma'am. Keep blazing the trail. 2020 must obey

  7. Funmitastyfingers,thanks so much dear. I say amen to your prayers.

  8. Continue to grow in knowledge ma


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