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“In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were deserted, and the travelers walked along the byways. Village life ceased, it ceased in Isreal, until I Deborah, arose, arose as a mother in Isreal” 
Judges 5:6-7

Oh ye woman hear me!

The Lord created them male and female, blessed them and said “Be fruitful and multiply: fill the earth and subdue it (with righteousness): Have dominion over every living things that move on the earth.
To proper is a human right legislated by God in the beginning, and it has nothing to do with being either female or male. Nevertheless, many women have negative feeling about prosperity of the soul and the cause is not farfetched from their  definition of prosperity and success and how to maintain their feminine role in midst of it.

What is prosperity?
Prosperity is experiencing balance in life: it is attaining what we want in alignment with what God demands of us on spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and financial level. 

Deborah the prophetess.
This icon fulfilled her role on a spiritual level. She was devoted to God, ultimately stuck with the Father, when almost everyone took the path of the world (self-aggrandizement, camouflage and hypocrisy among many others), she continued her unassuming, unimposing simple lifestyle in the Lord, no wonder she can receive word from the Lord clearly. But I tell you, greater than Deborah is you. Because you are now the temple of the Holy Spirit, you are expected to do much more through the help of the Spirit of God.

Deborah the wife.

Scripture does not make mistakes with words, we would need to pay attention to the fact that the Holy Spirit who inspired the writers of the Bible inspired them to include this information. Again, this great woman fulfilled her role emotionally and martially. In all her achievements, she kept her head. She was a judge over great men but she was still submissive to her Man.
I believed that the Lord is doing much more in our days and He is starting with you Oh daughter of Zion, that you will be a wise woman who will build her house, walking circumspectly not as fools but as wise knowing when to function in the ‘other room’ and when to enter the holies of holies for prayer and ministration, being referred to as a good mother raising godly children for the Lord.

Deborah the Judge
She was a prototype for many women by maximizing the potential the Lord gave her, once again we can see that she fulfilled her role on a mental and financial level. She was useful for her nation and bible recorded that there was great peace (prosperity, stability and security) for forty years under her watch through the power of God and self-development.

Finally in Mama Maria Etter Woodworth words “ My dear sister in Christ, as you read these words may the Spirit of Christ come upon you, and make you willing to do the work the Lord has assigned to you. It is high time for you to let your light shine; to bring out your talents that have been hidden away rusting and use them for the glory of God and trusting God for strength,Who said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”


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