God has done all there is to be done, yes Christ has won the victory for mankind (Colossians 2:15). But there is an outcry, a deep longing in the heart of God. He look down to the earth behold the field are ripe for harvest, there remains a need, the emergence of saviors, ambassadors whose activity will advance his kingdom. Women who are extension of his government. Who will journey with divine understanding of the moves of the spirit and enforce his will on earth. Only what they permit will be allowed. (Ezekiel 23:30).
The world await saviors ( intercessors) who will stand in the gap between ramah and bethel. Women who will rebuild the ruin places, restore the path and build breaches. Pathfinder, helping the blind to see and the lamb to walk. Women like Anna, seperated unto God. who will proclaim the good news of our lord and stand as intercessor between God and the Society. Without this forces the society will come to destruction by Satan attack. (Obadiah 1:21)
Anna belong to the tribe of Asher who were usually known for their beauty ( both inward and outward) and how they love the things of the spirit over the flesh. Being a widow of over sixty years, biblical Anna remain in the temple serving God with prayer and fasting day and night with one and Holy passion. That the Messiah should come, and eventually she saw her long awaited desire, received him with thanksgiving and spoke of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem (Luke 2:36-38).
The rising of Anna is not a call to live a depressed and deprived life neither is it a passive resignation to fate and mere patience seeing that the biblical Anna was a widow. Rather it is a call to challenge the emergence of women who Will carry the Anna anointing and operate with grace like Anna operated unveiling Christ with active and energetic resistance to defeat. Anna occupy the prophetic intercessory and Envangelical office. Living a selfless life by fasting and intercession.
God is looking for modern day Anna, women whose heart is synchronized with the Holy ghost. They will be engrace to pray the promises of God accurately on the earth. They will give prophetic declaration of the Coming of the Lord to the world. Not of rapture but of his coming to reveal his love, his glory,the coming revival and also to empower his Church.The world await women who will carry the mantle of prayers until the glory of God covers the earth as the water covers the sea.
Women who will carry this grace must be seperated unto God, selfless and developed the act of waiting on the Lord, worshipping, praying, with perseverance and watchfulness. Women who will live a life of Holy abandonment to the purpose of the Lord Jesus. Women who will say no to the world, embrace their cross with grace and longsuffering. Anna may not have political influence but she had spiritual influence.
There is a saviour in you that can save the world. There is much more to your existence than your physical ambition that could fail anytime. It does not matter how hard life had hit you, rise up princess and turn your pain to purpose!.
Don't be enticed by the things of this world, come out from among them. Lay aside all besetting sin and run with grace, the race set before you. Precious bride, set his love has seal upon your heart and the burden of your lover as your one and only passion, see the field are all ripe and the lord await your precious harvest.
Awake from your slumber , oh sleeping daughters of zion, the lord has set you as a watchman, Sound the alarm to the nations , release the sound, the rhythm of the spirit oh worshipping warrior. Play the strings in your secret place, turn loneliness to a moment of fellowship and navigate the moves of the spirit. Deliver timely message as revealed.
Come out of isolation mentality and the fear of men , for you are not alone, the master himself is with you. The fear of men is a snare, (Psalm 29:25). Forget about your loss, let your heart be rooted in the faithfulness of God. Find a doorway of hope to your future in the place of prayer and worship, you are a savior, destiny are tie to you, rise oh princess warrior
Put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6), gird your loins with truth and your heart with the breastplate of faith and love, put on the shod of the gospel of peace. Your are an envoy of his presence. Dare to take great steps and win victory for the king. Arise! generations of Anna, stand in your place with your prayer mantle and release nations to their prophetic destiny.
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