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She didn't allow her background to lay her back to the ground. She was an orphan who was single-handedly raised by Mordecai. She could have gone haywire but she dared to be different. She didn't become wayward because she was raised by a male but rather, she received training. 

When the opportunity came for her to contest for the position of a queen, she was submissive even to the maids assigned to  her. She is that being who is  always ready to learn. She wore humility like clothing.  So, she obtained favour from the maids. And when it was her turn to actually appear before the king, she obtained favour, she was chosen over others and she was crowned the queen. 


When she got to the palace, she still had the best interest of her people at heart. She wasn't selfish like some of us today who once we taste power, we look down on everyone else. We don't care if others perish so far we are safe. This was not so with Esther. She became a saviour. She didn't want her people to perish. She was not the selfish type. Forget it, if she was the selfish type, God wouldn't have brought her to that position. God who sees the heart already knows what she can do so she was trusted with the position of a Queen. 

How was she able to achieve this? She was hellbent on being a Savior who will arise for her people.  She made the determination that even of the would die in the process, it was worth it. She was a woman of prayer. Despite her royalty, she was still able to fast and to proclaim a fast for all her people. She subjected everything to God's hands. We are in urgent need of such women who will stay in the place of prayer and declare how the affairs of the earth  will be run, women who will be driven by compassion. 

We are in need of Esthers who will not allow Haman to destroy God's people, who will not allow the ungodly to continue reigning. 

She lived a consecrated life. She had every reason to mess around since she lost her husband at the early  stage but she dared to stand out. She became an intercessor who dwelt in the temple all the days of her life interceeding. It takes a woman driven by compassion to intercede for others. It takes a soul whom selfishness has died in her heart to be able to do such. It takes a women who is sold out to God to do this. 


She was not the only virgin in the land, but she made herself available. She obtained favour from  the Lord and was able to carry a saviour in her womb. I begin to imagine if she wasn't available, who else would have given birth to Jesus? There would have been a better replacement though because we don't know how many virgins were in that land before God spotted her. 


One of the lessons we need to learn from Mary is her ability to conceal matters.  She was not a parrot who could go about  telling  everybody she was going to birth the saviour. The Bible says Mary  kept all these things to herself. She was humble and she could be trusted with a secret. 

Now, many of us are into relationships, but we have done the forbidden things we are meant to keep until after wedding. Mary kept herself pure even though she was engaged to an handsome man.  

She was able to wear many garments. She wore that of a wife, mother, prophetess and a judge. What a balanced woman! There are so many of us who give excuses we can't fulfill God's mandate just because we got married but she broke the protocol by telling us we can still stay relevant in God's agenda even in marriage. All we need to do is to marry the right man, be aligned and be balanced. She understood times and seasons.  She will not be judging Israel when she's supposed to be in the bedroom with her husband. She wouldn't be judging Israel when she's supposed to be attending to her children. She prays when she's supposed to pray.  She was a woman who heard from God before she gives instruction. Because she arose, the land had rest for 40 years. Judges 5:31.


God is in need of women who will arise at this time. Women who will take territories. Women who will accept responsibility. Women who will have compassion on others, women who will not be selfish. Women who will not allow the wicked to reign. Women who will be able to conceal matters. Women who God will trust with a saviour. Women whom God can commit a Nation to their hands and be won't be disappointed. Women who will be terrors to the kingdom of darkness. 


They understood the part God wanted them to fulfill in destiny. They were not ignorant of their purpose. None one of them strived to be like the other person. Envy was not found in them. Esther was called to be a queen. She could only fulfill destiny by being a Queen. She could only deliver her people by occupying  that position. She didn't pray to be like Deborah. 

Anna was called to be an intercessor for the coming Messiah. Praying to be like Mary in order to birth Jesus is a sheer waste of time. Mary was going to bring Jesus to the World. Praying to be like Esther by gaining  affluence like her and staying in the spotlight won't work out once she wants to stay in God's will. 

Are you ready to arise? Please join us in this online campaign in the next four days and discover where you belong. You are not ordinary. You are not here to just occupy space. You've got to arise from your spiritual sleep or else your generation will blame you. 

Deliverers will go up to Mount Zion in Jerusalem to rule over the mountains of Edom. And the LORD himself will be king!" Obadiah 1:21


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