So, I saw this guy who was lifting weights. He was so determined and rugged. He carried it with so much rigour. He is doing this in order to keep fit and to be in good shape. The training was hard on him but he was persistent.
I thought I had seen it all until I saw another hefty guy carrying those weights even when it was raining. We all hid ourselves when the rain started but this guy didn't leave that spot. No man could talk him out of the rain. He was persistent. It wasn't easy on him. And I began to ask myself that why would a man want to kill himself in order to have a good physique and to keep fit? Was he doing it to compete? It's probably no.
Those guys who didn't see them when they were going through the process will want to be like them overnight. That's not possible. That's another message for another day though.
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8
You know so many of us don't want to pay any price, we just want to start manifesting. We want all people to see us. We despise process, thinking we could just arrive at manifestation overnight. We want to be like some men of God, caring not to ask how they got there.
No preparation, no manifestation.
We don't like to fast
We don't like to pray
We don't like to stay long in the place of study.
Yet, we want to keep fit and healthy.
Fellow believers, What measures are you taking in order to keep fit spiritually?
When last were you able to study your bible?
When last have you been able to pray?
When we don't engage in spiritual exercise, we will die of life. Such a Christian is vulnerable to temptations. Such a person will always rise and fall, always revolving around a particular spot.
Grace upon grace I ask for you!
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