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*Radiance & Encompassing peace
*Determination & Consistency
*Supernatural Energy + Fireised life


I come to you in the name of the Lord oh thou woman and man of valour (for this is the you in you). I bring a message from on high, a light that swallows darkness and breaks to pieces the bar that holds down. I see light enter into you. Receive it now.

Every man has a past, even Jesus had some couple of experiences before He sat at the right hand of God (His death, His ressurrection and then His glorification). We have a High Priest who has been through our infirmities and because He is glorified, He is calling you to come out of every awkward past experience and enter into your glory.

Jesus is our only hope, you have no hope of tomorrow outside of Christ, infact, you are doomed and damned without Him. Jesus's love beckons on you to open up your heart to his encompassing peace, the fragrance of his glory will radiate you and order your feet on a radiant walk.

With determination and consistency, you will fulfil the purpose of God for your life and actualize to detail your prophetic destiny. The best revenge you can ever give to the devil is to achieve what he thought he already blocked you from achieving. Knock him off by picking up your life and placing it in hands of Jesus.

There is a force that propels a man in the path of destiny, the force of the Holyghost, the Holyghost activates a supernatural energy within you that will make you run at a speed of light. When the Holyghost invaded the life of Peter, his past fizzled away, a timid man became as bold as lion, his shadow healed the sick, trans-generational blessing and impact was wrought through him.

The Samaritan woman came to the well ashamed, burdened with the past and the stigma of marrital instability but after her encounter with Jesus, she left UNASHAMED, she noised her encounter with Jesus abroad, she told her story of transformation with boldness, she uncovered the past, she found hope in Jesus.

No matter how bad  your past is, there is hope for you, you can and will still blossom. (For there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail) Job 14: 7

Now see this, verses 8 & 9 says, Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, YET at the scent of WATER it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.

The word of God is the water that clenses the soul, meditating on God's word is powerful, it causes a mind shift, and expels every iota of low self esteem, you will get to see your true identity in Christ. A chosen generation, royal priesthood, a peculiar, people, a holy nation you are.

What a sweet experience to know that God knew you before you were conceived, and your life is in His hands to mould, reform, reshape, renew, sharpen for the master's use, for you are a battle axe, God's weapon of war.

If I were you, the atleast I would do is to shake off the past and hope again. Your prophetic destiny is too divine to allow a dirty past hold you down. Some lives are waiting to learn from you and be strength because you stood strong.

Power Points
- Falling in the mud does not mean staying in the mud.
- Jesus is our only hope, His love is unconditional.
- The past is past, don't let it leak into your present and pollute your future.
- There is hope for you in Christ Jesus, you can and will still blossom.


I see light invading you and your weak limbs receiving strength from on high.
I see you uncovering the past and disgracing the enemy.
You came here ashamed, but I see you leave unashamed.
I see you hope again
I see a burning and fireised you.
Arise and shine your light.

©️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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