If you think you are the only one praying at this time and that others are slumbering, thousands of people are still praying. Do not think in your heart that you are the only one connected.
Dearly beloved, if you think you are the only one studying your bible, I tell you that there are dangerous men everywhere that are still committed to studying their bible. Thousands of people are still diligent in the place of studying the word of God for they know their nourishment lies there.
Sir, you are not the only one baptized with hunger for God. You are not alone in the business of seeking God. There are some calibers of men you haven't come in contact with who are in relentless pursuit of God.
Don't think without you, that mission can't be accomplished. Only God is indispensable. Why do you keep bragging about your contribution to that project? You have only obtained mercy. Why do you think without your contribution, that project will not prosper?
If you refuse to do that which is committed to your hands because you feel the demand placed on you is high, don't be surprised if you are replaced in no distant time. Count it as a privilege to be engaged. You are highly favoured to be relevant in your generation. Let the Lord be magnified through you.
Common, stop murmuring and move on for there are still much grounds to cover. Please arise for no one is irreplaceable in God's assignment for God will never lack men. There are thousands of people elsewhere that have not bowed their heads to Baal.
Everyone is not corrupt. Stop thinking you are the only one on the way. Can you help me remind that sister that some are still thirsty for the things of God? Can you please remind that brother to please stop boasting? Someone somewhere else can do that thing better than you can.
We have only received grace!
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