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Oluwafisayomi Adenike is a typical example of one who was broken, shattered and now restored. You wanna know how? leggo

Eight (8) years ago, I lost the track, I started getting myself engaged myself in things I shouldn’t be found doingI went astray, my life was a total mess, I became a nonentity, I made no sense to people around me, I rarely had moments of Joy, I was a product of the devil’s bondage, God wasn’t far from me but I was far from him. My life was broken into pieces, I was scared because it appeared useless and of less or no importance. A life that was a sweet smelling savor, a life that was someone else’s desire suddenly became a life that do not count.

Horrible were the things I did back then, things that were worthy of eternal damnation, things that do not potray the Light I claimed to carry, things that weighed me down, It left no table untouched and It affected all areas of my life. Spiritually I was dead, physically I was a living corpse, academically I was nothing to write home about, failure became the order of the day. I was broken, not just into pieces but to dust, I mean to nothingggggg I couldn’t help myself and I didn’t seek for help too because I was too secretive back then and My silence killed me the more😔😔😔

Lemme pause on my story....Stay tuned for the concluding part

Beware! our enemy, the devil is always on guard looking for whom to devour , looking for lives to inhabit, searching for empty spaces to fill up. Once a room is created for the devil to operate, he’ll quickly occupy and thereby enlarges his coast in you.

He’ll do all he can to ensure you are well rooted and established in him, He’ll take over your thoughts, words and actions. You’ll become his prey and slave, he’ll try to break what was moulded by God into pieces and also go further to shatter the broken pieces.

The only thing he’s incapable of doing is to restore you because he wasn’t the one who formed you initially. He has no input whatsoever in your creation or formation, he can break but he cannot build. Everyone builded and moulded by God is vulnerable to devil’s attack, because he is God’s enemy, so automatically he becomes our enemy too. His plan has always been to turn away the hearts of Men from the builder to him, the destroyer.

When you finally get rid of him or make him your past, you’ll leave him unhappy and powerless over you. But one of the methods he uses to maneuver his way back is by haunting the present with the past. He keeps you in the bondage of your past, he defocuses you from important things to things that are of less or no importance, He reminds you of your mistakes, your mess, your setbacks, your pain, your shame and agony.

He refrigerates them in your memory, he deletes or helps you to shy away from the reality of the present, he hinders you from being a  partaker of the blessings embedded in the present by shifting your focus to the past. It is the desire of the devil that we stay stuck in our past,don’t help him to fulfill his desires, don’t give in to him, instead help God to help you. Do you get?

Okay read this

After being broken and shattered, we don’t just want to be restored but to be totally restored. In order to be free from being haunted by the past, You need GOD and YOU. Don’t be too surprised you need yourself to keep away from being haunted by the past...Yes you do!

Firstly, you must realize and admit you need help, Submit yourself to him totally, allow him to dominate your heart, allow him to control your actions, thoughts and words, also meet with people who can be of help to you. Don’t die in silence!

Always be conscious of the fact that you are no longer a sinner or a slave, always declare that you’ve been redeemed, you are delivered from the shackles of your past, old things are passed away, the past is gone, you are a new creation, a new being and devil has no hold on you anymore. You belong to God, you carry the gene of the KING in you, you are a carrier of God’s nature, an embodiment of grace.

God has played his part by restoring you, but you are expected to always live in the consciousness of who you are in Christ to perfect the restoration. Continually behold him in the word and prayer, walk in this light and darkness will flee at your sight.

Concluding Part....

When I met christ, he restored me but yet somethings were not right, devil still tried to maneuver his way into my life, he tried to hunt me by my past, I was restored but not totally. Yes, Only God is capable of restoring one but we have a huge role to play in ensuring that our restoration is total, perfect and forever. Do the needful!

My Past was a lesson that eventually turned around to be a blessing because the blessed one restored me. My life never made sense until I encountered him. He alone is capable of cleaning up your mess, he alone is capable of wiping away your tears as if you never cried, he alone can turn your shame completely into fame. He changed me completely, he can do the same for you. Give him a chance today!


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