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We have different makers of phone. They come in their sizes and each looks unique in its own way. We don't have to work on it. It looks new, all its components are complete. Everyone wants to feel the phone, everyone wants to get it. It has endured the manufacturing process, so it gets everyone's attention when it gets to the market. 

And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of principality and power. Colosians 2:10

 A complete woman is one who has made herself available as a clay in the potter's hand. She allows God to sculpure her so she could come out as God wants her to be.  As a woman, she finds joy in her singlehood. Her happiness is not tied to any man or any object. Though she is in need of a man, she is not the desperate type. She is ready to do as her Lord bids at all times. She is a prototype of Virgin Mary in the book of Luke who said, "be it onto me according to your word."

She is that woman who will never trade her relationship with God for anything-be it man or any circumstance. She loves God and this is obvious. She is a woman who understands times and seasons. She is a prototype of Mary, who will always sit at the feet of Jesus to learn. She is not outdated in knowledge.  

She is a woman who is wise in handling her relationships with others. When she wakes up in the morning, her spouse-to-be matter is not the first to pop in her mind but her Lord. She has come to realise that in loving that man perfectly, she must be in love with her Lord. She is not the kind of woman who can spend hours communing with her man but sees personal fellowship with God as a burden. She cherishes God above all other things. 

She is a woman of strength and capacity. She is industrious and committed to getting things done. She is not the type who will sit with her laptop or phone all day seeing movies. She is not the type who will complain or grumble. Her hands are always set to work. She understands timing and makes use of her time judiciously. I celebrate such a woman. She is a prototype of the Proverbs 31 woman.  

She is a woman of enviable character. Everyone wants to be identified with her because of her impeccable character. She honours everyone who comes her way. She is not the type who wastes her words or rants aimlessly. She does not have time to backbite others. She minds her business. When she stands to speak, people like to give audience because she speaks with enviable wisdom. She is organized in all she does. At every point in her life, she is ready to learn, unlearn and relearn because she wants to get better. She is the kind of woman whose character will cover the weakness of Nabal the fool. She is a prototype of Abigail in 1 Samuel 25.

She will never let down her guard no matter what.  She is a woman everyone respects because she will never take nonsense. You can't find her being cuddled by just anybody. She is disciplined and principled. She is a wise woman who is able to discern wolves in sheep clothing. She embraces purity no matter the temptation that surrounds her. Though she is beautiful to look upon, her beauty does not get into her head thereby making her to misbehave. She is a prototype of Esther in the book of Esther. 

She is that woman who even though it seems Mr right is yet to come, she is patiently waiting for him without comparing herself with her mates. She is whole and complete. She is not wearied because she knows God is working out the best in her and that her time will soon come. She is a woman who can bring her emotions under control. I celebrate this woman. She is a prototype of Ruth who waited patiently for her Boaz in the book of Ruth. 

This is the time for us to reject the world and embrace the cross. Let us allow our Maker, our Husband to work on us that we may be perfect and whole, wanting nothing. Our generation is awaiting our manifestation. For their waiting not to be in vain, we must understand the place of making; which is our preparation time. Stay blessed as you yield yourself.


  1. Oh my goodness, so blessed and enlightened. Thank God for having you in this generation.

  2. Oh! Glory to God. Thanks so much for reading. Glad you got value.

  3. Hmm! This is beautiful. Perfectly constructed. More grace to you. You are indeed the definition of a virtuous woman.

  4. Thanks so much for reading, glad you got value and thanks for the compliment.


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