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Those days I was still in school, the serious students amongst us would always read their books prior to exam period. You will always see them a week or two weeks after resumption reading their books with all seriousness . It is not so with the lazy students amidst us. They will pile all their notes till the end of the semester. By this time, the atmosphere where they are reading is tensed. Without doubt, their assimilation rate will be slower and there is this saying that "poor preparation leads to poor performance."

I have seen a woman whose husband divorced because she couldn't make good food. I begin to ask myself what she did with her single days. Did marriage meet her unaware? I guess not so. Those days she was supposed to learn how to make delicious  dishes, she probably used them to watch television or spent them on things that didn't add value to her life. Or probably she thought her man would accept her just the way she is. Not every man will accept this. 

Some of us procrastinate prayers. We console ourselves that God understands. We postpone studying our bibles and we think God understands. We won't grow up spiritually like that. Consistency is the key to spiritual growth. 

What about those books we have poled for so long saying we would read them one day? What about that woman you want to propose marriage to? What about that important call you want to make? What about that thing you want to learn? Time waits for no one. 

I have seen many people who write the goals they want to achieve on a piece of paper. Ask them about the goals and you will see them bring out their diary but that is all about the goal,you will never see them take any action towards achieving it . It is good you put them in black and white but that is not enough. Beyond scribbling your goals down, get ready to crush them. 

The ways out
1. Don't give yourself to things that won't add value to your life. This life is too short to be wasted. 
Procrastination is a thief of time.  Deal with it now. 

2. Be accountable to friends. Let them know your target and give them chance to pry into your life. 
I have a target to finish up my Bible this year but with the way I am going, I may not finish it. The next thing on my mind is to tell a friend who will always check on me to see if I am making progress concerning it. 

3. Above all, procrastination is a weakness. Talk to God about it. 

There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth. Ecclesiastes 3:1


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