If you as a leader is not firm, even your seemingly called friends will come to test the stuff you are made of. Even in your calmness, you should be known for standing your ground on matters. Integrity is an essential tool in leadership. You shouldn't say something while your actions antagonizes it.
As a leader, as much as you place yourself under everybody to be accessed by them, you must not rubbish yourself or else you will become a dumping ground for everybody.
There should be no disparity in dealing with people when you are a leader. Have no favourite. Relate with everyone on the same platform. Give no preference to anyone.
In making decisions, do not slack and you will see that people will respect you for this.
I have come to realise that leaders who lead by example tend to have more impacts on their followers.
Finally, do you want to make positive impacts on your followers? You should be bold to tell them to follow you even as you follow Christ.
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1
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