You see all those people who want to get married to a sister simply because they can't go on to cook, or do their laundry by themselves, or they want to cure loneliness: they are not ready to get married for a good[the right] reason.
Those who are seriously preparing to get married just because of the reasons above will only see the woman as an housemaid. They won't come to appreciate the precious gift of God to them.
A guy on my friend list on facebook wrote sometime ago that he wanted to get married because he couldn't cook anymore. I was surprised. Our brother's need at that time wasn't a wife but an understanding of what marriage is all about.
As a dignified single, you should be able to cater for yourself now. You shouldn't be lazy. Get things done by yourself. Learn to cook simple meals. Do not go for junks instead. Wash and iron your clothes neatly. Learn how to take care of your apartment. Enjoy singleness. Enjoy the company of your friends. Enjoy your communion with God.
We cannot deny the fact that when you see a man who married his own wife some months after their wedding, he looks fresher, more relaxed, chubby, and handsome, courtesy of the good work the wife is doing. But before she comes, learn how to take care of yourself in your own little way. You will be happy with yourself.
Finally, do not rush to bring her into your home. What is your purpose? What are you doing that makes you think you need an help? How is your relationship with God? Do you hear God speak to you? If you are getting married soon because you need someone to start cooking for you, please go and sleep. You are not ready yet.
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18
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