I knew a man long time ago, every time he wants to contribute to God's work, he must announce it to everyone. Everyone will clap and call for him. Now, motive is what matters here. If his motive is to create an image in the heart of men, he has failed already. God is the one who judges the intent of the heart of a man. The heart of a man is desperately wicked that it can even betray the person who owns it. Let the word of God search you and prune you.
Any service we render in order to please men has only a reward. And that reward is that you will be paid by that man. God cannot repay you.
Eye service is something God goes against. Are you given any task to accomplish? Please do it to the glory of God and not to the praise of men.
The best a man can do for you is to applaud you. It is God who commends a man. Stop looking for recommendation from men.
Labour silently. Are you called to intercede on behalf of others? please do so without announcing to us what you are doing. Are you called to help? please do it secretly. Your father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Please serve God without announcing self.
Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. Ephesians 6:6
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