Truth be told, when we accepted Jesus, we were expected to grow and increase in the knowledge of God. We were supposed to be doing great works on the earth here. We were supposed to live heaven on this earth.
But it is no more surprising to see some Christians whose aim is just to go to heaven. They have no prayer point again. They even stop whatever good thing they are doing with the expectation of the coming of Jesus, the Christ.
These set of people are cutting the glory of God short in their lives. They are not fulfilling the mind of the Father. Where have they put this scripture in their own bible? "The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's : but the earth has He given to the children of men." Psalms 115:16
These kind of people can be likened to someone who was admitted to a university to study medicine. And refused to go for classes, he never wrote any test, he never sat for any exam. In short, he never got any material let alone studying it. When asked, such person says he is only after the certificate and nothing else. Such will be cut short at the end because he will be dismissed since he is not meeting the demands of the school and the department.
Now, what makes heaven heaven is because God dwells there. If God decides to shift residence today to earth, there will be a shift in everything. So, in essence, take charge where God has put you. Don't be a lazy individual. Let's live heaven on earth.
What part are you playing in your own spiritual growth? How are you managing the resources of this earth? How are you following the Master?
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