A man of God once said when people only call you a man of God due to the suit you wear all the time, but when issues arise, they can't find you as a solution. They prefer to go to someone else because they don't find any green light when they come to you. You had better check yourself.
Now, man of God is not measured by the size of your collar or the high cost of your suit.
When a viper fastened itself on the hand of Paul in Acts 28, they expected him to die due to the venom of the viper but their expectation was cut off when Paul didn't even feel anything. They called him a god. That's the spirit. That's Christianity in practicality. We must get to the level whereby become a stature wherever we find ourselves.
It is not enough to be called Mamoo. In short, title does not matter in this sense. There are dangerous men and women out there who are doing great works yet they don't have titles. I have come in contact with few people on this journey who are desperate for God. You see them practice what they preach and this has a long way in helping their followers. They are men and women I respect. They are conscious of who they are.
It is not enough to be carrying big bibles around. It is not enough to just blast tongues. Christianity is in practicality. It is not theory.
In your own little corner, let this life we have received find expression in you. Let God find in you a vessel to express Himself.
There is need we practicalise what we preach.
It is not enough to preach on a subject. Acting it out is the crux of the matter.
The easiest thing is to say but the hardest task lies in the doing. We have received the grace to do.
It is not enough to have them on black and white, there is need to act them out. Even Jesus practised what He preached. Who are we to do otherwise? We are strengthened with might to live this life to fullness.
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