Few years ago, I was addicted to Indomie noodles. If I did not eat it then, I would not feel comfortable. When I saw how addicted I was to the food, I had to inculcate the discipline of doing without the food. With the help of God right now, and with personal determination, even if I don't eat it for a year, it makes no difference.
Addiction is anything which takes good part of your time. Knowing fully well that time is life, if what you are addicted to is evil, your life is endangered.
If it seems you can't quit it, then it is an addiction.
The truth is, even a Christian can be addicted if he is ignorant of what Christ has done for him or who he is in Him.
Majority who are addicted to wrong things never bargained for it in the first instance. They thought they would just have a bite and call it off but addiction was what they got.
It is not immediately when you start feeding your mind with pornography that you get addicted to it. It builds up gradually over time as you keep enjoying the view. You just see yourself being carried away by the sight.
Most people who are addicted to pornography are masters in masturbation. When they can't hold in any longer, they resort to masturbation. Even when they are with people and they feel like engaging in the act, they excuse themselves to satisfy the urge. What a great bondage!
A man who is addicted to his phone will get distracted with it even during church service. Such a man will concentrate on the phone throughout the service.
You hear some say if they don't eat a particular food, they may not feel alright. That's addiction.
Find me a man who is doing excellently in his ways, and I will reveal to you what he is addicted to.
What takes most of your time will reveal what you fellowship with.
Oftentimes, you have wished you could find a way out of addiction but all to no avail. You have wept and wept and your weeping isn't able to get you out.
Don't mind those people who persuade you to continue on the excuse that addictions can't be broken, for they know not what they are doing. They are ignorant of the mighty arm of God which is able to deliver.
Are you a drug addict? There is a way out.
Are you a porn addict? I tell you the solution is not far from you.
Are you addicted to objects like phones? Help is not far from you. The truth is that you can be free from whatsoever thing you are addicted to.
•You are a product of what you repeatedly feed your mind with. Romans 12:1-2.
Feed your mind with wholesome thoughts. Get books to read, engage your mind, pray, study the Scriptures.
•Take authority over that thing in the name of Jesus.
At the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow. That thing has name, take authority over it in the name of Jesus. Philippians 2:10-11.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
•Give no room for addiction to find its way into your life. Guard your heart. Spend your time wisely. Spend it productively.
•Finally, you can get addicted to right things. Be known as a worship addict rather than as a drug addict. Be identified as a prayer addict rather than as a pornography addict. It is blessed to be addicted to such for great things accompany them. The rewards are joy unspeakable, and peace that surpasses all understanding and not fear and bondage.
Great and educating.