When I wrote an article on waiting sometime ago, someone commented and said, "when"? In other words the person was saying how long will she wait? I was moved with pity when I saw her comment. I don't know how long but I can assure you that at God's appointed time, it will not fail.
Of course it is good to pray on marital issues but when all your prayers are only centred on that, something must be wrong somewhere.
It is true that you are above 30 already. According to the timing of men, you are becoming too late for marriage whereas God makes all things beautiful in His time.
If you have a plan of getting an aeroplane for your friend and he went ahead to get a bicycle for himself when he could not wait again for the aeroplane. Of course both are means of transportation but you can tell which is more glorious.
If the reason why you want to get engaged is because your mates are in the system already, you are not yet ready for the responsibility.
If the only reason why you want to get married is because you have started noticing some grey hairs already, you are not ready yet.
Don't let people mount pressures on you. They are not in possession of your life. Your life is in God's hand.
We all have different times. Your time is different from mine. Don't get intimidated by my success. Comparing myself with you is unwise. Hastiness is deleterious.
Submit your fears to God. Do not be anxious of anything. Matthew 6:27. At God's appointed time, you will be settled.
The question now is, are you connected? If not, get connected to the source. You know what I mean right? Your time will not pass you by.
While you wait, don't stay idle. Do something worthwhile with your life.
Genesis 18:14
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