After I shared the first point few days ago on abuse of the tongue, I was down for some days. It wasn't funny at all. I have been over working this body for the past two months. It wasn't my fault anyways but that was never an excuse. I said to myself that I must practice what I preach and "walk my talk" so I have been taking care of myself. I promised myself that I would be relieving myself of stress one day in a week due to many things I am involved in presently.
I read of a man in one of Kenneth Hagin's books, this man was a minister of God whom God did use. He thought he could eat anything, anyhow and at anytime. God sent him several warnings but he was adamant. His life was taken at last.
As a child of God, it is our responsibility to take care of our body which is the temple of God. God will not come down to take care of it for us. He expects us to manage this body. We are not permitted to eat just anything. We must be disciplined in the choice of our meals.
Some overwork this body. They work like jackals. They have no time to rest and this can cause a lot of havoc to the body. They will be like, they can never fall sick and so they just live anyhow. This has a way of cutting the lifespan short. Don't tempt God. A man who doesn't have enough rest will surely wear this body out.
When I was in 400level, first semester, I had little time to rest. I often overworked my body then. I was like I can never fall sick. On top enormous stress, I didn't have time to cook good food. The aftermath was not something sweet. Thank God for God. Smiles.....
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defiles the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
This body houses your Spirit. When life ceases to flow in this body, the Spirit has to go out. Since you know this, why then will you not take full responsibility of taking care of this body?
There are some things that serve as poisons to this body when taken. They are not necessarily sinful but they have ways of cutting life span short. A man who smokes cigarette is doing himself harm. There is this warning that smokers are liable to die young. What verse of Scriptures will you hold on to if you are the type who can't do without smoking? A man who smokes cannot stay healthy even if he confesses all the words of God that has to do with healing.
For instance, someone taking alcohol chronically now should be aware that alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver. So, he will have no man to blame when he comes down with liver disease. If you have been addicted to it, God is ready to set you free but He needs your readiness first.
I know you have been wondering if God does not keep to His promises again. You ask, "By His stripes, we were healed," why then do I have to fall sick? Our God is a covenant keeper. He keeps covenant in all generations. He is Yahweh. Therefore, it is now essential for us to also keep our part. He has kept His but He expects us to be faithful on our own part, too. He expects us to bring our body under subjection. We can't continue to give this body all that it asks for.
Someone who refuses to bath regularly should know that he is harboring germs which can lead to infection. Will God come down to take your bath for you? No. He has blessed you with water, it is now your duty to take good care of yourself. Some will even say they are fasting, therefore, they can't take their bath; brush their teeth. Living like that, you can't stay healthy.
My project colleague uttered a statement one day, "God said you will live a 100 years, you now stand in front of a trailer in motion." You know the rest of the story. Such is only putting God to test and God cannot be tempted with evil. Such is the case of a man who abuses his body and still holds God by His word.
To be continued.........
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