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Waking up to the day Argentina and Nigeria had match, I had a mixed feeling. As I was in my place of work, several discussions were going on about the match. Come and see how we were all praying concerning the match. To cut the long story short, we lost the match to Argentina. 

I could be sick when people talk too much on something so I couldn't summon enough courage to log in to my social media accounts. That was the primary reason why I couldn't come online. I didn't want to hear people's comment on the match. Opening my account truly after two days, most of the messages were on the match. 

After the match, we watched the news. To my greatest surprise, I saw people who had flesh and blood like me running for their lives because of herdsmen merciless killings. You need to see my heart. I was grieved in my heart hearing the reports of people who have lost their lives on this matter. I began to ask myself, "does these people truly have flesh and blood? "

Men and brethren, shall we continue like this? How long shall we continue to show "I don't care attitude " to the massive and merciless killings of people in this country? My prayer since that time is that in no time, God will execute these wicked souls. Jehovah Sabbaoth will capture them and expose them unless they acknowledge Christ. 

Do you know that it doesn't matter the kind of death one dies? Peradventure some of these people have not encountered Christ, do you know that's the end? Oh my God! My heart bleeds for these people. 

My piece of advice: Fellow saints, let's arise and travail in the place of prayer for our country. If you could pray concerning Nigeria match, which is a trivial matter, then you can pray for the peace of this nation. 

For the unrighteous to continue to rule us in this nation, we say no way. We are looking forward to men who will arise and take their place. We call for men who will value the lives of other men. Will you make yourself available?


  1. This is an awakening call to all Christian. May God help us stand in gap for others in prayer.

  2. Woman of Grace, you have said it right! Travailing in prayers is what matters now because the wicked people are not taking it lightly they are ready to do more. We need to cry whole heartedly to God. God bless you beloved.

    1. That's it. We must rise up .This evil menace must stop . Amen to your prayer .


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