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I remembered how one man told me to see to it that I get admission.
One woman called me and asked why I always dance the way I danced then seeing I was really lagging behind. I told her it is the joy of the lord. When I left that spot, I felt like crying even though I was smiling when she talked. Her words were like blow.

There was a particular day two results of two schools I sat for came out at the same time. I didn't make it. I got to church and was very unhappy. I had to go out of the church and went to weep bitterly in the uncompleted mission house. A pastor consoled me and I came back to church.

Some of my friends then were already in higher institution. When they ask me how far? I tell them nothing yet. Some pitied me while some never bothered.

Later in 2013, you can't believe what happened??? I took pre degree form. It surprised everyone who knew me back then in secondary schools and other neighbouring schools that bunmi could go and obtain pre degree form. It was the least they expected. I never bothered.

I was shocked when mummy said either I like it or not, I must go for coaching. I told her I could read on my own but she refused. I didn't want to go because of shame but she obliged.

Guess who my physics tutor was?? My mate in secondary school but he was from a different school. One of my mates also took me chemistry one time. I didn't want to attend the coaching but I had no choice than to be obedient to my mum.

One of the tutors was surprised when he saw me one day in class. He was a guy who would always represent his school in quiz and competitions then. That was where I knee him. He had to call me to ascertain what was really wrong. I explained some things to him sha.


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