God's timing is the best time a man can actually accomplish great things without condemnation.
Thank God for your best friend that just got wedded last month though you are yet to get engaged let alone picking wedding's date. God makes things beautiful in His own time. Don't feel left out or bad because she is leaving your caucus. Rest in the Lord.
Appreciate God on behalf of that friend of yours you wedded at the same time who is carrying her cute baby though you have a delay in child bearing. Don't be envious of her for your time is at hand. You will carry your baby soon. Can I hear you say amen? (Smiles).
You don't need to be jealous of the progress of that friend of yours. You are the next to be celebrated but at God's timing. God can never and will never forget you. Start praying again, don't draw back because of trials. Let joy bump up in you and please rise again. You are a giant, don't relegate yourself. Don't let circumstances of life change your heart disposition to the things of God.
Do not compare yourself with the other person because God's dealings are different for individual because we are needed for different assignments. Do not give up on God because He won't give up on you. You are in the agenda of God.
Can I ask you a question that demands a sincere response? Why do you desire that specific thing now? Why do you want that same thing your friend has now? What is your motive behind that car you want to get at all cost?
Hope you are not seeking those things in order to oppress others? Hope it is not for a show off? Hope it is not a way of showing to the world that you also belong? Hope it is not for the gratification of flesh? Please have a good motive and let your heart be right friend.
If your intention is wrong, God might still allow some delay because He won't expose you to evil.
If God grant those desires of yours, will you still be faithful and committed to Him? Won't you run away only to come back in the time of trials?
God knows the intent of your heart!
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