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I have a family in Ibadan from where I drink from, they are my spiritual parents. We are all treated equally not minding whether you are biological or spiritual to them. Oh how I love them!

There should be no disparity between your children. No child is of less importance, each child is unique in his own way. Treat them equally and do not compare a child with another.

If you enhance disparity between your own children, what is the fate of those children who aren't your blood but who found their way into your home maybe because of circumstances?

Learn how to celebrate their uniqueness, no two children are the same. Tope may be perfect in doing household chores while Dayo may not be doing good in that area. Discover the strength of Dayo, he might be good at some other things. Though that does not mean you shouldn't teach your children how to do things on their own because they will have to leave you one day to start their own life.

Giving preferential treatment to a child over others sow discord between them. It generates strife and lead to hatred between your children. You may not be able to handle it when they grow up. Rebecca and Jacob sowed discord between their children. Esau hated Jacob that he planned to murder him. Thank God for their reconciliation at last.

Love your children unconditionally. No string should be attached to your love for them. God loves us unconditionally, love your children with that love. What you cannot do to child A, don't try it with child B.

If you think your children are still very little and that they are ignorant of your excesses, don't be surprised when they remind you the past in the future. No child is better than the other, don't write anyone of them off

Believe in their future,  pray for them, teach them, correct them as at when due, love them and treat them equally. Let them know how important they are in the family.


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