Have you been to a program before and you see almost everybody connected except you? You seem to be far away. You can't forget at the moment, the appointment you need to keep with someone.
The memory of the delicacy you prepared at home is fresh. You remember your undone chores at home, to cap it up, you can't but ruminate on the pleasant memories you have had with someone special.
While the prayer is going on, your mouth keeps moving but you heart seems to have journeyed far. You are like " what's really happening to me? " In short, you might be energetically praying but you know your mind is far. People closer might even be awed by your aggressiveness in prayer whereas, you are disconnected from the source.
The devil couldn't prevent you from going to church but he succeeded in engaging your mind with matters that could wait after the meeting.
Don't let him rob you of your blessing.
Since you are aware of your wandering mind, there is a way out. It means you can be helped.
What do we do in such cases?
When I encounter such, I simply bring my mind back by engaging myself in simple prayer of "Lord please have mercy, let me be connected. " Be deliberate in the meeting and let go of distractions.
You can begin to engage your mind with the things that are of eternal value and not with trivial things. Those things can wait now?Don't allow the devil to rob you of your blessing.
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