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He is the chief commander of the army! What a great task that was committed into his hands? He was supposed to lead the warriors to the battle front but he decided to take some break. At least, he has been up and doing all this while, he should chill and enjoy the moment. 

It was a hot afternoon, the beauty to behold wanted to have a cool bath. Lo and behold, while he was enjoying the cool breeze in the verandah, he saw her. Who would not want to taste of this? He said to himself. He gave an order and she was brought to him. Oh my my! He enjoyed the moment. 

Few months after, she came with the pregnancy scan test. The beauty is pregnant! I even remember your husband is at the battle field. He will not slack at anytime, he is an active warrior who won't be at home when he is supposed to be at the war front. 

Okay! You can go back home, but please don't abort my baby. I will definitely find a way out. Way out? What's the way out? Hope he is not trying to aggravate his wrongs? 

Captain of the army, please send home the warrior! Without wasting time, the warrior was sent home to him. "You sent for me sir?" Yes, that's true. I must salute your courage and bravery. I think you really need to have some rests. Go home and enjoy yourself with the wife of your youth. She must have missed you. I know you are thinking now, that he wants to confess to the man and plead his forgiveness. The matter was different dear reader. Let's read on! To him, he was seeking a way cover his sin so as to hang the pregnancy on him. 

The warrior refused to go home, he stayed in his house all through the night. When he wasn't able to persuade him to go home to meet his wife, he determined to get rid of him. At least, no man will get to know what I have done. What a foolish thought? He forgets that nothing is hidden before God. 

He sent the warrior's death sentence letter through his own hands to the captain of the army. The letter reads "please put him where the battle is the fiercest so that he may die." Without wasting time, the warrior was murdered. 

Report of his death got to him and he immediately made the necessary preparations to marry his wife. The wife of his servant, the warrior became his property. What a greedy man? Who does that? 

A messenger was sent to him to bring to his consciousness his misdeed. He also faced the grave consequences for his wickedness. That which was born of the woman died before his eyes because God struck him. His own son, raped his blood sister. His own son conspired against him and took his throne from him. He regretted his acts. He did obtained mercy but he suffered for his wrongs! 

Moral of the story 
1: The best place a man can be at a time, is to be where God wants him to be. Another alternative is not the best. 
2: Don't give room to slackness at your duty post. The devil is waiting for the right time to strike. 
3: Don't try to cover your mistakes up. You are only aggravating the matter instead of seeking a way out. 
4: No matter how far you have strayed, God still loves you. Come back to him. 

N. B: This is the story of King David, Uriah, his wife and Joab.


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