Days when I was not as matured as this, i mean spiritually, when I preach to someone and I see that person crying, I will be so glad thinking my message touched them which in turn made them start crying. I couldn't believe it when I see them days after enjoying their old life. That they wept do not actually portray their repentance. Someone who didn't soak his clothes with tears but got the message is better than that person who broke down in tears as a result of emotional stress.
Dear minister, please don't be moved when some people are slain under the anointing during your ministration. It doesn't mean they really got encountered, some fell because they couldn't sustain their emotions,they just had to express it through some kind of display.
Don't be too happy when you see some rolling on the floor and shouting during your ministrations, when they stand up, they go back to their vomit simply because genuine encounters are not measured by people falling under ministrations in most cases.
It is isn't that such can't happen in some programs, but when you begin to watch out for that, please take heed so that you are not distracted. People can of course fall under the anointing but there are some, before you say one or two sentences, they are on the floor always. Such people can be a bunch of distraction to you because for the rest of the program, you may continue along that line even when God wants you to communicate something else to the people.
Some might even be calmly seated and they are encountered in their position. It may not be glaring not until the person begins to share his testimony with you later on.
Don't think God is only present in noise. That a gathering is up to thousands doesn't mean God is present. That is not the condition for His presence, he says, where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them. God may decide to work silently. Don't feel bad when you don't see people slain under the anointing in your ministrations, it doesn't mean God hasn't touched them.
We walk by faith and not by sight. Those things are physical. Don't desire them. If God chooses, He may walk that way. No one can stop God from doing His things his own way. Your desire is to see God being glorified.
People encountered in a program are not measured by those who broke down in tears neither by those who fell and started rolling on the floor.
I encourage you to carry on with the work for God is with you. You are a man of faith and not a man of sight. Those things you can see are temporal. Stop measuring the move of God with those things.
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