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Mummy told us a story one day about a man who was very rich and stingy. When he wanted to die, he swallowed the key to his wardrobe where he kept all his money so that his children won't have access to the money. The key was hanging in his mouth when he gave up the ghost. The children didn't even bother breaking the wardrobe, they broke his teeth instead to get the key to his wardrobe.

I was sharing the gospel with a guy one day. He told me he would enjoy his life to the fullest, acquire riches and even jokingly said he would take me home to his momma as his wife. He said he wasn't ready for that but that as time goes by, he would definitely have the time for Jesus. Little did he know his time was short. I wept bitterly when I heard he was feared dead by armed robbers.

Can I quickly tell you sir, that all these houses and fleet of cars which you possess and has given you wings will not last forever?
There you are, you are gathering this world's riches and when they tell you about the love of God, you cunningly change the subject. Trust you know they won't last?

Friend, this body that you value so much than God will soon decay by the activities of microbes. In a short while, your beauty will not count. It will fade away. 
It's a matter of time but just that you won't live to tell the story.

I have always asked people this question. If you have houses almost in every state and you happen to die. Will they butcher your body and bury each part in each house? I guess the answer is no. Who does that? Why then the rush?

You can spend hours on make up but yet your spiritual life is nothing to write home about. You doze off at the mention of the name of Jesus. You have the time to take care of temporal things leaving things that are of eternal values. You forsook the needful for the intangible. All is vanity upon vanity. 

All these things you are gathering day by day are shaft which will not last.
Why do you now want to build your whole life on the substances that won't last?
Know this, if you die today, you will go with nothing out of your possession. What are we now dragging about this matter?

Those friends that applaud your foolishness will not follow you to the grave. You are on your own.
Thank God you are on a tireless pursuit in your field of study as a professor, but your certificate will be useless once you die. It is not even transferable to your children.
What are we now saying then?

Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun. Ecclesiastes  2:11

Don't build your life on vanity, sir. These things will fade away. Even yourself will fade away.
Turn back from your foolishness and remember now your Creator before you see death.
Stop building your empire on vanity for they will not last.

Build yourself up things that will last longer. Build up yourself on the word of God . Stop building your life on vanity. 

Now is the day of salvation. 


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