To Him who all the nations of the earth is gathered and He is never weary of their coming. To Him be all glory, praise and honour.
To Him who made all things by the word of His mouth, without Him, nothing else was made that was made. To Him be glory and honour.
To Him who establishes kingdom and throne. Without Him, no king exists. He is the custodian of all powers, no one measures up to His Excellency. To Him be all glory and honour.
The sun and moon speak of His glory. The whole earth is filled with His glory. All creatures speak of the splendour of His majesty. The trees and flowers show forth His freshness. To Him shall all flesh gather.
To Him who sits in the circumference of the earth, He makes decree and no man dares change His decree. He need not consult any man before He makes decree. He does all things by Himself, the all-sufficient God. To Him shall all flesh be gathered.
He upholds the world by the word of His mouth. He framed the world by the word of His mouth. His word is power and none of His word goes void until it has been accomplished. To Him shall all flesh gather.
To the one who causes the sun to shine by day and the moon by night. He made one to rule the day and the other to rule the night. To Him alone shall all flesh be gathered.
I count it a great honour to be identified with you, father. You are the God of all flesh, you are my God. I extol you the ancient in wisdom.
Please help me tell that sister that there is no other way except Jesus.
You can also help me tell that herbalist that he will by no means be cast away if he comes to the one whom all flesh is gathered.
Help me also tell that young man that there is no escape route for him if he continues without the God, whom all flesh is gathered.
O you who hear prayer, to You all flesh will come. Isaiah 65:2
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