"God said you will live for 100 years, you now went to stand in front of trailer on motion." Mesarawon Toritseju
What can we simply call that? It is simply foolishness because you are trying to tempt God.
What do you think will become the outcome of such person?
"God said He has given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, that they shall not in anyway hurt you, you now went on your way to play with cobra's head." What can we also say to that? Such person will not live to share the testimony. He is acting foolishly.
"God says you shall be the head and not the tail, you now take that as an excuse of not studying your book again. You just appear before your examiners unprepared." That is foolishness, sir. That word is not for you because His word says, a man who is diligent in his business shall stand before kings and not mean men. Be ready to be the tail wheresoever you find yourself because you are lazy.
When God does His part, there is need for us to do our part, too. You can't stay idle. You need to maximize those potentials God has given to you. Stop playing around because it won't pay you. Don't be foolish!
Christ has been made unto us wisdom. 1cor1:30.
May we learn how to balance our thoughts!
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