Reflection :
I remember while I was in secondary school, there was this girl in my class. She wouldn't relate with anybody. She would always be on her own, like a recluse. Even though she is passing through hell, she wouldn't open up to anybody. We were all surprised when we heard she was impregnated.
And let us consider and give attention, continuous care, to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up(stimulate and incite) to love and to helpful deeds and noble activities, not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together(as believers), as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging and encouraging)one another, and all the not faithfully as you see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
If God wanted you to live a solitary life, he would have made you alone to inhabit this earth.
Imagine you are the only one treading this journey, just imagine how boring everything will look like.
Show me a man who says he could finish his assignment all alone and I will show you a man who is a failure.
Every successful man of God you see, he is not a lone ranger. He has good company.
Loneliness kills! Mingle with the brethren.
Don't be a lone ranger.
You need others to survive.
I know I would have made some silly mistakes during my darkest hour but for the godly counsel of the brethren, they were
As we journey through this life, we meet different people who will in one way or the other help us.
This life would be a better place if we know we need one another.
Stop living a solitary life.
Don't isolate yourself from the brethren.(Hebrews 10:24-25)
Open up and let people help you.
Don't die in silence.
You are not a lone ranger.
Surround yourself with like minds.
Don't tread this journey alone.
Even Jesus had disciples He walked with. Who do you want to take after if you are a lone ranger?
But also remember, bad company corrupts good manners (1corithians 15:33)
Cut off from bad friends for they will mar you and make your life useless.
Cut off from ungodly relationships.
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