Don't be afraid of losing people, if they are your sheep, they will stay.
You see someone who has the grace(ability) which you haven't tasted of and you know he can be a blessing to your congregation, yet you are afraid of inviting him so he won't steal your people. That's a wrong notion you have conceived, sir!
These people are the people of God, please let them grow. It should be a thing of joy seeing that ability in someone else. Celebrate it, don't mock it.
The greatest accomplishment is to see the people grow and learn Christ. It doesn't matter the vessel God used. All is to the glory of God. Let them be exposed. Stop camping them and preventing them from programmes you know could help them.
You know there are different ministerial gifts and God has blessed individual with uniqueness. When they are even blessed by other minister's program, they will eventually be channels of blessings to you.
Please check and review your motives again. Why do you have to condemn every other minister before them? Whereas, you approve yourself only. You are the shepherd right? Lead them to greener pastures. Don't keep them in your custody alone.
May I say this, too, dear minister? You can also go out and listen to other ministers, too. Don't think you have arrived and that you don't need any help again. Don't be self-sufficient. You need help, as well. Go for seminars, conferences and other programmes. Stop giving them what you gave them last year. If you keep eating the same food(rice) for a whole year, how will your system feel?
Until you are dead, you must not stop learning. Learn under others too, you are not too big. Celebrate grace in other ministers lives, don't despise grace!
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