MADE FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS The other day, I saw pillow challenge online. I thought I had seen it all until I saw pregnancy challenge. I even heard there was another flat-tummy challenge. You know the heartbreaking thing there, it's only females that are participating in the challenge. Before you justify your actions by saying you are just catching fun, aside from those challenge that will never add anything to your progress, which other one did you participate in? If there's a demand that you participate in prayer or word challenge, will you do the same? You will definitely overlook the challenge. You will give excuses of not having enough time. Even if partaking in a challenge is what will build you up, you will give flimsy excuses. This is to tell us how much some of us have missed it. We can spend the whole of the day having plenty talks with our friends, yet we can't spend few minutes in God's presence. We can spend thousands of naira just ...