PREPARING TO BE A HELP MEET BY DEBI PEARL KNOWLEDGE (CHAPTER 7) Moral to the story: Knowledge can save your life. A caution: Shrugging off learning can be devastating. Marrried life is not all romance and passion-maybe five percent. The rest of your time is devoted to the routine of living. There will be unexpected trials and burdens that will catch you and your sweetie totally by surprise. Whether your family, not to mention your passion, survives life's curveballs depends on knowledge… yours. Debi pearl A man comes into marriage believing that his wife will be the fulfillment of all his longings, all his dreams, and all his expectations. After only a few weeks he looks into her eyes and finds only dissatisfaction. A wife blames her husband for being a loser sitting in front of the TV or spending his life on some other useless time waster. The husband is frustrated that something is not the way it should be. Debi pearl...